Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) for protein digestion
Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) for protein digestion
This supplement is recommended specifically for those who do not digest meats well or are Blood Type A, have “heartburn”, or have been bulimic. To use as a challenge to establish your own ideal starting dose, try taking one during a meal. Go up as high as eight per meal til a burning sensation is felt. This means you’ve taken one too many. Back down by one and that’s your regular starting dose to be taken during each protein-containing meal. Since this supplement stimulates natural HCL production, you should be able to reduce, then eliminate it as you begin to feel a burning sensation even at lower doses.
INGREDIENTS: 648 mg (10 grain) Betaine Hydrochloride (HCL) from beets, 150 mg Pepsin Enzymes (NF 1:10,000), Silica, Magnesium Stearate
120 Capsules